CommandBars Articles and Tutorials

Enabling the Office 2003 Luna Colors when Running in Windows 2000 and Earlier

Author: Mike Palmatier
Platform: Visual Basic 6.0

The CommandBarsGlobalSettings object allows you to override the default 'grey' system colors that are used for the Office 2003 theme when running you application in Windows 2000 and earlier. To do this, you must change the color in the Form_Initialize event. In addition to the Window XP blue system them, you can use the Silver and Olive Windows XP system theme colors as well.

The picture below shows a toolbar with the 'Blue' Windows XP System Theme Colors applied.


The picture below shows a toolbar with the 'Silver'Windows XP System Theme Colors applied.


The picture below shows a toolbar with the 'Olive' Windows XP System Theme Colors applied.


The code below illustrates how to override the default system colors that are used when running you application under Windows 2000 and below.

Private Sub Form_Initialize()
   CommandBarsGlobalSettings.ColorManager.SystemTheme _
   = xtpSystemThemeBlue
End Sub