SkinFramework Articles and Tutorials

Applying the Office 2007 Skin

Author: Mike Palmatier
Platform: Visual C++ 6.0

First a skin must be loaded before it can be applied to your application. The LoadSkin method loads a skin from a .cjstyles or .msstyles file.

The Office 2007 skin is located in the Office2007.cjstyles skin file and is loaded using the NormalOffice2007.ini file name.

// Loads the NormalOffice2007.ini skin
    _T("..\..\..\Styles\WinXP.Luna.cjstyles"), _T("NormalBlue.ini"));

By default, the skin framework will automatically skin all child windows of your application. If you do not want this to happen you can call the SetAutoApplyNewWindows method to specify that all windows will not automatically receive the skin. You can then individually specify which windows will receive the skin by using the ApplyWindow method.


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