Special Offers

Codejock Software offers additional discounts and special offers for Existing Customers, Competitive Upgrades and Academic Use.

Returning Customers - Up to 20% Off!

We appreciate our customers loyalty. We offer a 20% discount to returning customers who wish to upgrade to the latest Toolkit Pro or Suite Pro. To qualify for this discount your subscription must be over a year expired. This offer is valid on new license purchases only.

Please contact sales@codejock.com or call (989) 472-4761 for more information.

Competitive Upgrade - Up to 25% off!

We realize that you may have invested a considerable amount of time and money in component libraries from other vendors. If you like our products and would like to make the transition, we offer excellent competitive upgrade packages.

In order to qualify for a competitive upgrade discount, you must submit the following information before the discount can be provided:

  • Competitive Company
  • Product Name
  • Year Purchased
  • Original Purchase Price
  • Registration Number
  • Last version used
  • Reason for change

The following chart will indicate the amount of your discount when applied. Price based on a single developer license. For multiple or site licenses please contact our sales department.

Competitor Price Your Discount
$500.00 or more 25%
$200.00 to $500.00 20%
$200.00 or less 15%

Contact sales@codejock.com or call (989) 472-4761 for more information. Competitive upgrades are valid toward the purchase Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro products only.

Academic Use - Up to 50% off!

If you are an educator or student, we offer great discounts for you as well. We realize that sometimes resources are limited. For this reason, we offer great discounts to those developers whose resources are limited and would like to give our products a try.

In order to qualify for an academic discount, you must submit the following information before the discount can be provided:

  • Student's name
  • Name of School
  • School Address
  • Year to Graduate
  • Course of Study
  • What purpose to use software

The academic discount is only intended for non-commercial use only. Contact sales@codejock.com or call (989) 472-4761 for more information.

Secure Transactions

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Money Back Guarantee

If you are not 100% happy with your purchase within 30 days, you can return it for any reason. Your satisfaction is our priority!

Satisfication Guarantee

Contact sales@codejock.com for more details.