Live Examples

The samples below are stand alone executables and are intended to demonstrate product features that are available in both our Visual C++ and ActiveX product line.

Each sample below can be found in the retail and evaluation versions of Toolkit Pro for Visual C++ which includes full sample source code.

Similar samples are also found in the retail and evaluation version of Suite Pro for ActiveX that are written in VB, Visual Basic .NET and C# with full source code. The ActiveX samples however may have different names and demonstrate different functionality from their Visual C++ counterparts.

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Sample applications to help you implement the many features available in the Calendar such as the Office 2007 theme, multi-user schedules, integrated date picker, reminders, recurring event, and much more!


Sample applications that demonstrate how to use the controls in Controls such as the Popup Control, Tab Control, List Controls, and much more!

Property Grid

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the PropertyGrid such as Office 2003 theme, masked edit, verbs panel, and much more!

Shortcut Bar

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the ShortcutBar such as expandable shortcut list, caption bar, shortcut list, and much more!

Skin Framework

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the Skin Framework such as applying the Office 2007 theme, custom theme support, skinning all components, and much more!

Ribbon Bar

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the CommandBar's Office 2007 style Ribbon Bar.

User Interface

Sample applications that show you how to use many of Codejock's components to create advanced user interfaces.

Syntax Edit

Sample applications that show you how to use many of the Syntax Editor's features such as text block grouping.


Sample applications that show you how to implement the many features of the Chart such as bar, area, spline, funnel, pyramid, Gantt, and range bar charts, with many more in the sample!

Command Bars

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the CommandBars such as using the Office 2007 style Ribbon, tabbed toolbars, tabbed workspace, custom status bar, and much more!

Docking Pane

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the DockingPane such as Visual Studio 2005 style docking, nested grouping, hide\show pane captions, and much more!

Grid Control

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the Grid Control such as virtual mode, preview mode, tree view mode, integrated field chooser, and much more!

Task Panel

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the Task Panel such as Visual Studio 2005 style toolbox, drag and drop items, behavior, themes, and much more!

Toolkit Pro

Sample applications that show you how to use the many features of the ToolkitPro such as supporting multiple languages, customizing different tab types, and much more!


Several useful utilities to help you use Codejock components. Not only do you get to use a handy utility, you get to see the code used to create the utility. Codejock components were used to create the utilities.