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Changing Popup Menu Animation Style

by Mike Palmatier Visual Basic 6 Created on 01/31/2008  |  Updated on 07/30/2024 0/5 ( 0 votes )

You can configure how your menus will be displayed using animation effects. You can choose from one of several predefined effects that include Random, Unfold, Slide, Fade and None.

The code below will apply the Unfold animation the the menus when they are displayed. The xtpAnimateUnfold flag comes from the XTPAnimationType enumeration which holds all of the different animation types that can be used.

CommandBars.Options.Animation = xtpAnimateUnfold

Below are some animations that illustrate some of the styles that you can use for your popup menus:

Unfold Animation
Unfold Animation

Slide Animation
Slide Animation

Fade Animation
Fade Animation

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