The following sample applications demonstrate the powerful features that are available with Codejock Utility Applications.
Each sample is provided as a stand alone executable that can be easily downloaded. All samples are included with our products and are provided with complete source code.
The CommandBars Designer sample is an advanced UI form designer. This utility is used to create and edit CommandBars XCB or XML files. Not only is this sample useful for creating a command bar or Ribbon at design time, it illustrates how to use the CommandBars, Docking Panes, Property Grid, TabManager and Image Manager all in a modern MDI application.
Size: 11.03 Mb
MarkupPad is a handy tool for designing and testing XAML graphics to be used in Codejock Markup driven application, be it part of a markup CommandBars theme, a vector icon, dynamic scriptable image or just a static DPI independent image. It very recommended to verify any XAML/WPF code that you are intendent to use in your application in MarkupPad as XAML support is limited by Markup and a quick validation of your XAML code in MarkupPad can help identify and fix issues early.
Size: 8 Mb
The Grep sample is a very powerful search and replace utility. This utility is used to search one or more files for a specific string or regular expression and replace it with another. Not only is this sample useful for search and replace tasks, it illustrates the use of CommandBars, Docking Panes, and the Grid Control. Some of the more useful features demonstrated is dynamically adding rows, preview mode, and check box items in the Grid Control.
Size: 5.66 Mb
The Resource Editor Sample is an advanced resource editor utility developed to customize any of Codejock's 32 different language resource files. Included with the Toolkit Pro and Suite Pro is a set of xml language resource files that can be modified using the Resource Editor sample. The editor allows you to modify any string or text that appear in built-in dialogs, popups, tooltips, etc. Not only is this sample useful for editing translation resource file, it demonstrates some advanced features of the report control such as grouping via code.
Size: 7.21 Mb