User Interface Examples

The following sample applications demonstrate the powerful features that are available with Codejock User Interface components.

Each sample is provided as a stand alone executable that can be easily downloaded. All samples are included with our products and are provided with complete source code.

GUI Visual Studio

The GUI VisualStudio sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to Visual Studio 2008. Features specific to this sample is Visual Studio 2008 style docking and docking stickers, Visual Studio 2008 style toolbox, adding a "More Windows..." dialog using the CXTWindowList class and Tab Workspace grouping. The layout of the Task Panel, CommandBars, and Docking panes is saved and loaded to\from a XML file.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars, Controls, Docking Pane, Property Grid, Skin Framework, Task Panel, Syntax Edit
 Size: 3.05 Mb

Visual Studio GUI

Word Pad

The GUI Wordpad sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to WordPad. You will see how to use the ColorSelector class to create a column and table selector. The WordPad sample is more than a GUI shell, it contains all of the functionality that the real WordPad contains.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars, Controls
 Size: 11 Mb

WordPad GUI

GUI Eclipse

The GUI Eclipse sample demonstrates how to create a custom theme, create a layout, and create a GUI. You will see how to apply the custom theme to commandbars, tabbed workspace, and docking panes. The Eclipse sample shows how you might create a GUI similar to the famous Eclipse common IDE for developers.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars, Controls, Docking Pane
 Size: 2.45 Mb

Eclipse GUI

GUI Explorer

The GUI Explorer sample demonstrates how to create a custom theme, create a layout, and create a GUI using ReBars. You will see how to apply the custom theme to commandbar Rebars. The Explorer sample shows how you might create a GUI similar to Windows Explorer\Internet Explorer.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars, Controls
 Size: 2.4 Mb

Explorer GUI

GUI Gnome

The GUI Gnome sample demonstrates how to create a custom theme, create a layout, and create a GUI. You will see how to apply the custom theme to your commandbars. The Gnome sample shows how you might create a GUI similar to the Linux Gnome GUI.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars
 Size: 2.28 Mb

Gnome GUI

GUI MS Money

The GUI MS Money sample demonstrates how to create a custom theme, create a layout, and create a GUI. You will see how to apply the custom theme to your commandbars. The MsMoney sample shows how you might create a GUI similar to the Microsoft Money program.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars
 Size: 2.23 Mb

MS Money GUI

GUI OneNote

The GUI OneNote sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to Microsoft OneNote 2003. You will see how to use the FontComboBox, SizeComboBox, and PopupColor classes to make a font selector and size picker combo box as well as a popup color picker.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars, Controls, Docking Pane
 Size: 2.54 Mb

OneNote GUI

GUI Outlook

The GUI Outlook sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to Microsoft Outlook 2000. You will see how to theme the commandbars, TaskPanel, and caption. A button is provided to apply several of the skins from the skin framework.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars, Controls, Docking Pane, Skin Framework, Task Panel
 Size: 3.01 Mb

Outlook GUI

GUI WinZip

The GUI WinZip sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to WinZip. The Toolbar uses 32x32 large icon displaying the text below the icon.

Sample Uses:
Command Bars, Controls
 Size: 2.33 Mb

WinZip GUI