The following sample applications demonstrate the powerful features that are available with Codejock User Interface components.
Each sample is provided as a stand alone executable that can be easily downloaded. All samples are included with our products and are provided with complete source code.
The GUI VisualStudio sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to Visual Studio 2008. Features specific to this sample is Visual Studio 2008 style docking and docking stickers, Visual Studio 2008 style toolbox, adding a "More Windows..." dialog using the CXTWindowList class and Tab Workspace grouping. The layout of the Task Panel, CommandBars, and Docking panes is saved and loaded to\from a XML file.
Size: 3.05 Mb
The GUI Wordpad sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to WordPad. You will see how to use the ColorSelector class to create a column and table selector. The WordPad sample is more than a GUI shell, it contains all of the functionality that the real WordPad contains.
Size: 11 Mb
The GUI Eclipse sample demonstrates how to create a custom theme, create a layout, and create a GUI. You will see how to apply the custom theme to commandbars, tabbed workspace, and docking panes. The Eclipse sample shows how you might create a GUI similar to the famous Eclipse common IDE for developers.
Size: 2.45 Mb
The GUI Explorer sample demonstrates how to create a custom theme, create a layout, and create a GUI using ReBars. You will see how to apply the custom theme to commandbar Rebars. The Explorer sample shows how you might create a GUI similar to Windows Explorer\Internet Explorer.
Size: 2.4 Mb
The GUI Gnome sample demonstrates how to create a custom theme, create a layout, and create a GUI. You will see how to apply the custom theme to your commandbars. The Gnome sample shows how you might create a GUI similar to the Linux Gnome GUI.
Size: 2.28 Mb
The GUI MS Money sample demonstrates how to create a custom theme, create a layout, and create a GUI. You will see how to apply the custom theme to your commandbars. The MsMoney sample shows how you might create a GUI similar to the Microsoft Money program.
Size: 2.23 Mb
The GUI OneNote sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to Microsoft OneNote 2003. You will see how to use the FontComboBox, SizeComboBox, and PopupColor classes to make a font selector and size picker combo box as well as a popup color picker.
Size: 2.54 Mb
The GUI Outlook sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to Microsoft Outlook 2000. You will see how to theme the commandbars, TaskPanel, and caption. A button is provided to apply several of the skins from the skin framework.
Size: 3.01 Mb
The GUI WinZip sample demonstrates how to create a GUI similar to WinZip. The Toolbar uses 32x32 large icon displaying the text below the icon.
Size: 2.33 Mb