Skin Framework Examples

The following sample applications demonstrate the powerful features that are available with Codejock Skin Framework components.

Each sample is provided as a stand alone executable that can be easily downloaded. All samples are included with our products and are provided with complete source code.

Skin Controls

The Skin Controls sample demonstrates how to apply a skin to dialog application. You will see how to load provided .CJSTYLES skin files, which include Windows 10, Office 2007, Royale Blue and Luna Theme (Windows XP) skins. The sample displays several of the more common controls so that you can see what they will look like when the skin has changed.

Sample Uses:
Skin Framework
 Size: 3.47 Mb

Skin Controls

Skin Common Controls

The Skin Controls sample demonstrates how to apply a skins to a windows application. You will see how to load provided skin files, which include Office 2007, Office 2010 and Windows Vista style skins. The sample demonstrates menus and common control skinning so that you can see how they will appear when the skin has changed.

Sample Uses:
Skin Framework
 Size: 3.02 Mb

Skin Controls

Skin MDI Sample

The Skin MDI sample demonstrates how to apply a skin to a MDI application. You will see how to load both the cjstyles skin files and any msstyles skin files. The sample displays several of the more common controls so that you can see what they will look like when the skin has changed.

Sample Uses:
Skin Framework, Command Bars, Docking Pane
 Size: 4.87 Mb

Skin Sample

Skin OpenGL Sample

The Skin OGL sample demonstrates how to apply a skin to an OpenGL application.

Sample Uses:
Skin Framework
 Size: 3.05 Mb

Skin Sample

Skin SDI Sample

The Skin SDI sample demonstrates how to apply a skin to a SDI application. You will see how to load both the cjstyles skin files and any msstyles skin files. The sample displays several of the more common controls so that you can see what they will look like when the skin has changed.

Sample Uses:
Skin Framework, Command Bars, Controls
 Size: 2.65 Mb

Skin Sample